Are you soupy person like me? Sharing a quick and simple cooking soup recipe today. Check this out, required only 15-minutes and simple ingredients too!

Let’s cook with me!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tips

Ingredients :-

  1. 3nos Egg
  2. Tofu
  3. Handful of goji berry (washed, soak and put aside)
  4. 1 cube anchovies soup stock
  5. 1L water

Cooking Steps :-

Hot stove, hot oil and fried egg to golden brown for 3-minutes.

Add anchovies soup stock to stove.

Add 1L water to stove.

Add tofu to stove, to boil for 9-minutes.

Add goji berry to stove, to boil for 3-minutes.

Time to serve to bowl, enjoy!

Tips :-

  1. For vegan friendly version, you could add mushroom during tofu step.
  2. For protein intake person, you could add in chicken breast during fried egg step, to fry protein with egg the same time.
  3. For kids version, adding in carrot for more colour to your kid during tofu step.
  4. For health dietary version, you could add any type of vegetables at goji berry step.
  5. Anchovies soup stock (ingredients #4) can be replaced by chicken soup stock or mushroom soup stock and even miso paste.

A bowl of hot soup, perfect for dinner. Try not?

I hope you like this simple cooking soup recipe.

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tips

By Mossy

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