Mushroom, an easy cooking ingredient that can be found in all grocer. It is not only good for health (adult, kid, I mean everyone) and it has very unique texture in between not soggy and not hard for kid and elderly.

I, personally adore mushroom (most types, not an picky eater when come to mushroom) and so do my kid. Hence mushroom has eventually become our favourite everyday dish. Today, I would like to share a quick 15-minutes cooking dish “Fried Golden Mushroom“, let’s cook with me!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tips

Ingredients :-

  1. 250gram mushroom (any type, at your liking), washed, dried (squeeze really dry) and set aside
  2. A packet of ready to cook fried chicken flour
  3. 20ml water
  4. Cooking oil, I am using corn oil at approximately 100ml (depends on your cooking pot, at least fill up to enough cover mushroom size.)

Cooking Steps :-

Add in 20ml water into bowl and pour fried powder to mix well to batter, batter thickness probably to yogurt texture. Set aside, pour balance 2/3 packet of fried powder on a plate.

Now, mushroom add mushroom into the bowl, mix and coated powder paste. Ensure every pieces of mushroom coated with fried powder batter.

Then transfer mushroom from fried powder batter to plate that earlier pour balance of fried powder.

Coat all ‘wet’ mushroom from batter’s bowl with powder, to achieve maximum crunchiness!

Set mushroom, to rest aside.

Hot stove, heat up cooking pot, add in 100ml cooking oil.

Slowly add in mushroom that we earlier coated powder paste and fried powder.

Always check on fire and heat, to avoid over heat and burnt situation.

Hot oil to fry for 5 or 7 minutes, then flip mushroom to have fry for 3 to 5 minutes.

Repeat until mushroom is finished to Fried Golden Mushroom.

Ta-daa, served Fried Golden Mushroom!

Tips :-

  1. Deep frying 2 rounds to have more crunchy texture, when first round frying completed, rest for 2 minutes to tune stove to hot level again before putting in mushroom for second round frying.
  2. Second round frying is very short, like 1 to 2 minutes. Not to over burnt dish, always keep an eye on the stove.
  3. Because is oil fry, I will use place 1 or 2 layers of kitchen towels to absorb frying oil that will caused fried mushroom to soggy texture later when we eat. Also, to avoid over consume oil when eating.
  4. Hot frying pot, to put aside to cool down at least 15 minutes before cleaning. While I am cleaning stove and surrounding.
  5. If you don’t have ready fried powder at home, simply mix flour with corn flour as replacement which working fine too!

In total to cook a simple cincai dish – Fried Golden Mushroom, from wash to dry mushroom and mixing mushroom from paste to powder coated, I have only spent 15minutes, plus another 15minutes to clean stove and cooking pot. Easy and delicious, added zero condiment because this fried powder has all taste in already (sweat free!).

If you a spicy food lover, you could get a spicy version of fried powder. Equally yum!

This is my simple cooking / cincai cooking series, kids friendly and time saving cooking to share with you. Let me know if you like any specific cooking, I am uploading simple cooking dishes everyday to share!

I hope you like it!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tips

By Mossy

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