Sharing another one pot hearty cooking recipe, this dish also my childhood dish where my grandmother and mother like to cook.

Simple ingredients and only 30-minutes time required. Let’s cook with me!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tips

Ingredients :-

  1. Half chicken (cleaned and chopped to eight pieces in block).
  2. Marinade chicken sauce (1tsp teriyaki sauce, 1tsp LeeKumKee soy sauce and 1tsp LeeKumKee oyster sauce).
  3. Potato (4nos, cleaned, diced and put aside).
  4. Carrot (2nos, cleaned, diced and put aside).
  5. Cooking sauce (1tsp teriyaki sauce, 1tsp LeeKumKee soy sauce, 1tsp LeeKumKee oyster sauce and pepper).

Cooking Steps :-

Marinade chicken with ingredients #2, for 30-minutes.

Add diced potato to air fryer to cook, 180°C (appr. 356°F) for 10-minutes for both sides.

Add marinated chicken to cooking pot, to pan grill each side at high heat for 5-minutes. Flip to avoid over burnt.

Add fried potato to cooking potato to cook with chicken for 1-minute.

Add diced carrot to cooking pot to cook for 1-minute. Stir well to avoid over burnt.

Add cooking sauce to cooking pot, ingredients #5.

Boil for 5-minutes at high heat.

Slow boiling for 10-minutes.

Last 5-minutes to tune to high heat for sauce thickening.

Meal is ready to serve!

Tips :-

  1. To skip potato and carrot, cooking extra portion to keep at freezer could be a quick meal on rushing days.
  2. Adding in chopped onion and celery would add more ‘sweetness’ to dish, especially to kids at home.
  3. Boneless chicken is another ideal choice for younger kids and elderly to eat.
  4. If you are a soupy person like me, skip sauce thickening step to have more sauce to gulp!

I hope you like this one pot cook cooking recipe, tastes super delicious which my kid loved it.

You should try this cooking recipe for yourself and family. Enjoy!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tips

By Mossy

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