Is mushroom your favourite ingredient dish like me and my kid? A simple yet delicious dish that I am going to share with you today. Quick, easy and tasty dish you will love it, just like me and my kid.

4 simple ingredients to prepare and a huge pot of rice too, to eat with. Because even my husband, giving feedback that I could cook bigger portion to pair with his rice (haha, 2bowls he said he would definitely eating.).

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tips

Ingredients :-

  1. 300g mushroom (any type at your liking, chopped to smaller size).
  2. Soy sauce, 1tsp
  3. Bean sauce (commonly known as taucu), 1tsp
  4. Avocado oil (any type at your liking, which can go with high temperature), 1tsp

Cooking Steps :-

Prepare an oven okay bowl, I am using a ceramic bowl for braised mushroom in air fryer dish.

Filled mushroom to ceramic bowl, after washed and soak for 15minutes.

Add in 1tsp of bean sauce (commonly known as taucu) into mushroom bowl.

Add in 1tsp soy sauce subsequently.

Lastly, add in 1tsp avocado oil to mix evenly.

Now, place them into your air fryer or oven. Set temperature to at 180°C (appr. 356°F) for 5minutes.

Give a stir and set another 5minutes to air fry braised mushroom. Repeat 2 times at same temperature, to avoid over burnt or over cook situation.

Served our air fry braised mushroom, when sauces are at thickening stage, aroma of mushroom is strong fragrance and mushroom size is shrink to smaller size now.

Scope and repeat big scoops to your rice bowl, gulp and enjoy!

Tips :-

  1. Walnut oil is alternative I would like to recommend, good for brain and high nutrition for kids and adults too.
  2. You may add in extra 1tsp of sauces (oil, soy sauce and bean sauce) if you like your air fry braised mushroom dish to have more sauce and moist.
  3. Air fry braised mushroom dish, definitely good to pair with not only rice but also noodle, pasta, porridge or any kind of bread.
  4. I am cooking air fry braised mushroom with salmon fish at same pot, helps to save time most and best is easy in cleaning too.

This is Air Fryer Braised Mushroom dish I am sharing today, tasty and easy for me and my family. I hope you enjoy this dish too.

My simple cooking / cincai cooking series and time saving cooking to share with you. Let me know if you like any specific cooking, I am uploading simple cooking dishes everyday to share!

I hope you like this!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tips

By Mossy

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