Sharing a very popular dish among my family, from kids to adults, who couldn’t say “no” to additional bowl of rice to “Braised Mushroom Pork” on dinner.

Easy ingredients and simple cooking steps, let’s cook with me!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tips

Ingredients :-

  1. 300g meat, sprinkle some pepper and olive oil to marinate for 30minutes (I’m selecting tenderloin part, tender and easy chewing for my kid).
  2. 250g mushroom (my kid is huge fan of mushroom, haha!).
  3. Soy sauce 3tbsp, oyster 2tbsp, sugar 1 1/2 tbsp, dark soy sauce 1tbsp, pepper, cinnamon and star anise to mix well and set aside.
  4. 150ml water

Cooking Steps :-

Fry meat in air fryer at 200°C (appr. 392°F) for 8minutes and another 6minutes to flip and cook.

Transfer meat to hot cooking pot, add in cinnamon and sugar arise, to cook for 2minutes.

Add in sauce to cooking pot, until last drop (if you like me, who can finish a bowl of rice by just adding plenty sauce on hot rice, haha!).

Stir fry and mix well sauce on all pieces of meat, coated them evenly. Now you can hear the satisfying sizzling sound from cooking pot.

Pour in 150ml to cooking pot.

Add in mushroom, stir well and add in enough water to cover all ingredients to boil for 15minutes on hot stove.

Half cover of cooking pot lid, slow cook for 30minutes.

Cook to desire sauce thickness, to serve now star dish – “Braised Mushroom Pork“.

Juicy pork, bouncy mushroom and yummy sauce are ready to serve your family and you! Please enjoy the dish Braised Mushroom Pork.

Tips :-

  1. Air fryer to pre-cook meat to 80% cooked is my lazy step (all time), to skip oily stain to surrounding and heavy oily smell in my kitchen those hassles.
  2. Mixing all sauce prior cooking, to store in fridge first can help me in time saving, also making cooking steps smoother (rather dealing with bottles of sauce, open and close lid and repeats, haha!).
  3. Cooking pot, to put at sink and let it cool down a bit before cleaning. While I am using this time to wipe stove and surrounding.
  4. Add in additional sugar or soy sauce, bit by bit I mean (to taste) if you want to have more taste.
  5. I didn’t add salt to dish, because soy sauce had all taste covered.
  6. You can replace pork to any protein to your choice (chicken to cook at shorter time while beef and mutton to cook at additional 15minutes).

I wish you loving this popular dish in my family, Braised Mushroom Pork.

From dish preparation, cooking, serving Braised Mushroom Pork and stove cleaning, I have total spent approximately 50minutes. 30minutes for boiling, using this time to run other errands (haha!).

This is my simple cooking / cincai cooking series, kids friendly and time saving cooking to share with you. Let me know if you like any specific cooking, I am uploading simple cooking dishes everyday to share!

I hope you like it!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tips

By Mossy

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