Hello! A good news to share with you, follow up from previous cooking recipe “Sweet Sour Pea Sprouts Fried Eggs“, my kid love it. You should give it a try too!

Sharing another 15minutes simple cincai cooking menu that your kid and family would surely adore – Fried Minced Meat in Sweet Sour Sauce and Spicy Sauce for adult, from a same frying pan (easy right!).

Easy, let’s cook with me!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tip

Ingredients :-

  1. 300g minced meat (any protein, I am using pork)
  2. Sweet sour sauce – Ketchup / tomato sauce, white vinegar, soy sauce (2tbsp each), oyster sauce, sugar (1tbsp each), sprinkle some pepper and water to mix well.
  3. For spicy sauce version – Chilli flakes

Cooking Steps :

Hot stove, hot frying pan and pour in 300g minced meat.

Stir fry minced meat, you will noticed some juice while frying minced meat on your pan.

Continue frying and pressing with spatula, until you see the minced meat is almost cooked at little brownish color.

Scope meat to side, to leave a blank circle shape in the middle of frying pan to add in sweet and sour sauce mixed earlier.

Pour sauce to pan until last drop, trust me because this is delicious even for adult not to say your kids.

Stir fry evenly on minced meat.

I like to fry while do pressing spatula on minced meat to absorb sweet sour sauce.

Continue stir frying and flipping up side down work on your pan for 5minutes and you can smell sweet sour sauce aroma (yum!)

Portion half, served to bowl for non-spicy fan (my kid too). Please enjoy Fried Minced Meat in Sweet Sour Sauce.

For spicy fan like me, half portion that left on pan – now, sprinkle in chilli flakes. Add chilli flakes to your spicy level and then continue stir frying for 5minutes to serve.

Done, two simple dishes on one frying pan. In total, 15 plus 5 minutes (hooray!).

Tip :-

To bring out chilli flakes spiciness ‘kick’, you may stir fry chilli flakes alone on frying pan for few minutes (I took 3minutes on hot pan).

Frying pan, I will put at sink and let it cool down a bit before cleaning. While I am using this time to wipe stove and surrounding.

If you love more sweetness on sweet sour sauce, can add in 1tbsp of ketchup/tomato sauce.

In total to cook a simple yet cincai and kids friendly dish – Fried Minced Meat in Sweet Sour Sauce and Fried Minced Meat Spicy Version, from mixing sweet sour sauce to finished cooking, I have only spent 15minutes, plus another 5minutes to cook spicy version and 5minutes to clean stove and frying pan. Easy and tasty!

This is my simple cooking / cincai cooking series, kids friendly and time saving cooking to share with you. Let me know if you like any specific cooking, I am uploading simple cooking dishes everyday to share!

I hope you like it, let’s cook with me!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tip

By Mossy

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