Sharing a simple, quick and delicious fried rice cooking recipe that both kids and adults are irresistible!

Golden Fried Rice, I am using only 4 ingredients that could easily be found in your kitchen or door-step grocer.

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tips

Ingredients :-

  1. 3 pieces of potato (at any size), diced small.
  2. 100g chopped broccoli, diced small.
  3. 150g minced meat (you can choose any protein at your liking), add pepper and sesame oil to marinate for 30minutes prior cooking.
  4. 2 bowls of rice.
  5. Soy sauce 3tbsp, oyster 2tbsp, sugar 1 1/2 tbsp, dark soy sauce 1tbsp, pepper, cinnamon and star anise to mix well and set aside (is the sauce recipe that from Braised Mushroom Pork dish, extra sauce to keep refrigerated for quick cooking).

Cooking Steps :-

Hot pan, hot stove, hot oil and add in diced potato.

Pan fry diced potato to slight golden brown.

Set golden diced potato to aside, add in minced meat to frying pan.

Cook minced meat until it’s turning colour then flip to cook for another side. Keep an eye on diced potato, flipping them to avoid over-cooked.

Mix golden diced potato and minced meat, to continue frying.

Add in rice, stir fry and mix well with golden diced potato and minced meat on hot frying pan.

After frying for 5minutes, add in sauce that we pre-cooked earlier. I have put in 3tbsp, you may add or reduce according to taste bud.

Quick stir frying as sauce will cause thickening and caramelising on pan’s based.

Turn to lower heat after 2minutes of stir frying, add in diced broccoli.

Stir fry for 2minutes, before serving Golden Fried Rice with potato, broccoli and minced meat.

To serve Golden Fried Rice with potato, broccoli and minced meat.

Tip :-

  1. For quick cooking, I have cooked extra braised sauce and stored in refrigerator which to be consumed within a week.
  2. Homemade braised sauce can goes well with fried rice, fried egg, fried vegetables and baked chicken too.
  3. For potato, I have rinsed few times and soak diced potato in water for 30minutes to keep most starch from potato.
  4. Add or modify vegetables or bean types at your liking, you may use carrot, bell peppers, onion too, but remember to stir fry only 2minutes at lower heat before serving. This to protect nutrient and chewing textures.
  5. Frying pan, I will put at sink and let it cool down a bit before cleaning. While I am using this time to wipe stove and surrounding.

I wish you loving this popular dish in my family, Golden Fried Rice with potato, broccoli and minced meat.

In total to cook a simple, cincai, quick and kids friendly dish – Golden Fried Rice, from chopping vegetable to finished cooking, I have only spent 15minutes, plus another 5minutes to clean stove and frying pan. Easy and tasty!

This is my simple cooking / cincai cooking series, kids friendly and time saving cooking to share with you. Let me know if you like any specific cooking, I am uploading simple cooking dishes everyday to share!

I hope you like it, let’s cook with me!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Steps
  3. Tips

By Mossy

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