Are you a soup person like I do? Can’t agree more, soup is always my comfort food especially on raining days. And yes, I have clone both my son and husband to have same appetite like me nowdays.
Today soup menu to share with you “Grilled Salmon Soup Pumpkin Corn“.
Simple ingredients, easy cooking steps and delicious taste that you will surely like.
Let’s cook with me!
Grilled Salmon Soup Pumpkin Corn

Ingredients :-
- Salmon fish head or bones (any fish at your liking, cleaned and dried to set aside for cooking).
- Corn (I am cooking one piece, if you are more ‘natural sweet’ person you could add in two or three pieces).
- 250g pumpkin (cut to smaller sizes).

Cooking Steps :-
Cook salmon bones with air fryer at at 200°C (appr. 392°F) for 7-minutes each sides.

Add baked salmon, pumpkin and corn into smart cooker pot.

Add sufficient water, I have added to 3/4 of the pot.

Set smart cooking pot to cook, as per soup programme. Mine pot is taking appr. 30-minutes to boil and cook.
Served, enjoy our “Grilled Salmon Soup Pumpkin Corn“.

Tips :-
- You can use frying pan to grill salmon bones and cooking soup on stove with the same frying pan.
- Tomato and onion are recommend to add in to cooking soup, especially for kids serving.
- For younger kids at home, you can sieve soup prior serving to bowl to make sure no bone on soup bowl.
- Fish soup would have more oil along cooking, this is omega that very nutrition to our body.
I hope you enjoy it Grilled Salmon Soup Pumpkin Corn.

Grilled Salmon Soup Pumpkin Corn