Making butter at home is a simple and rewarding process. Here’s a basic method to make homemade butter:


  • Heavy cream (at least 36% fat content)
  • Optional: Salt to taste


  • Mixer or food processor
  • Jar with a tight-fitting lid (for washing the butter)
  • Cheesecloth (optional)


  1. Pour the Cream:
    • Start by pouring the heavy cream into the mixer or food processor. If you’re using a mixer, use the whisk attachment.
  2. Whipping:
    • Begin whipping the cream at a medium to high speed. Initially, it will turn into whipped cream. Continue whipping.
  3. Stage 1 – Whipped Cream:
    • The cream will go through different stages. First, it will become whipped cream with soft peaks. At this point, you can stop if you want whipped cream.
  4. Stage 2 – Stiff Peaks:
    • Keep whipping, and the cream will progress to the stage of stiff peaks. It will be light and fluffy.
  5. Stage 3 – Separation:
    • Continue whipping beyond the stiff peaks stage. The fats will start to separate from the liquid (buttermilk). You’ll notice the mixture turning grainy.
  6. Butter and Buttermilk:
    • Eventually, the fat will clump together, and you’ll see a clear separation between the butter and the buttermilk.
  7. Drain Buttermilk:
    • Drain the buttermilk from the butter solids. You can save the buttermilk for other recipes.
  8. Wash the Butter (Optional):
    • To remove any remaining buttermilk and increase the butter’s shelf life, wash it with cold water. Place the butter in a jar, fill it with cold water, shake, and drain. Repeat until the water runs clear.
  9. Add Salt (Optional):
    • If you prefer salted butter, knead in salt to taste. This step is entirely optional.
  10. Shape and Refrigerate:
    • Shape the butter into a block or use molds if desired. Refrigerate the butter to firm it up.

Congratulations, you’ve made homemade butter! Enjoy it on bread, use it in cooking, or savour it as a delightful creation from your kitchen.

Click here, to know more about butter.

By Mossy

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